Francisco Huerta Rendon School (La Libertad, Ecuador)
Art Program Draws on Local Talent
Trifecta Arts proudly partnered with the Francisco Huerta Rendon School in La Libertad, Ecuador. This public school, located on the southwestern coast of Ecuador, has over 600 students in grades 1-10 serving lower income families. We were fortunate to have the full support of the school’s Director, Sonia Monserrate, allowing us to offer free art classes before and after school.
The inaugural program involved 68 students selected by the Lead Art Instructor, Estela Lima. Senora Lima is a professional artist and art educator who serves as a member of the Casa de Culture in the Santa Elena Province. She studied at Universidad Laica Vincent Rocafuerte Guayaquil and attended the Colegio Sagrados Corazones Ecuador (CSSC). During her long career, Lima has participated in many art exhibitions, art competitions, and has been featured in publications highlighting Ecuador’s most respected artists. We were also pleased to have Estela’s sons, Mauro and David, assisting her with the instruction to accommodate the large number of participants.
The initial 4 week session was held in September (2017) with classes held twice each week. A second session was offered, with 60 of the original students returning for 4 additional weeks of classes! The students were each awarded a Certificate of Completion and their artwork was displayed at a public exhibition and featured on the Trifecta Arts website and Facebook page.
The pictures shown below were taken during the art evaluation and are just a brief glimpse of the natural talent these lovely children possessed.
Session 1
Number of Students = 68
Class Hours = 24
Total Student Hours = 1,623
Session 2
Number of Students = 60
Class Hours = 24
Total Student Hours = 1,440
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