Francisco Huerta Rendon School – Music Program
Strike Up The NEW Band!
In a school that just lost it’s music teacher, Trifecta Arts started a new program to teach interested students the fundamentals of music. Francisco Huerta Rendon School in La Libertad, Ecuador had a music program that consisted of glockenspiels and snare drums. It was limited to the older students and had to be discontinued when the music teacher was transferred to a school in a larger city, in the middle of the 2017 school year.
We decided to start with a different approach (following the model of many elementary schools in the United States) and used the simple recorder to teach reading music and group performance skills. The classes were taught by two local musicians, David Moises Murillo Lima and Mauro Andres Murillo Lima. David and Mauro both have performance experience, but this was their first assignment teaching a group of 2nd – 6th graders. We had two groups with a total of 20 students for the session which ran for 4 weeks with 2 classes per group per week.
We are hopeful that after the students complete their basic music education, they will want to continue studying music. If we can collect donated instruments or purchase used ones, we would love to expand our instrumental music program leading up to a full band program. This is quite ambitious and will need the help of donors and music teachers to make this dream come true.
Session Totals
Total Students = 20
Class Hours = 8
Total Student Hours = 160
If you are a band teacher or even a former musician who would like to volunteer or if you have any instruments that you would like to donate, please contact us at
If you would like to donate to help us develop more programs like this one, please select *DONATE* from the menu at the top of the page.